2nd Annual END-Dependence Tour Press Release

Adriana Cabrera-Garcia
excerpt from "Peace In The Spirit"

...Take a look at the streets of san jo
Wake up to the issue
that our children's yearn to grow
don't have a home to call their own
realized we are empowered to heal
unless you find me in this flow
I walk the streets to find
my inner spirit in here
Now I move on with my head held high
Like a cholo once told me
Don't let no one get you down
acknowledging the Great four spirits

take the time to smile to the neighbor
even when the fear is in your heart
it is only a part of this society's nature
challenge operational beliefs
do away with an old colonizations
start the healing process
and make a positive investment
it will take a lifetime of years
and it begins with human medicine...

César A. Cruz
excerpt from "Terrorist"

You can call me a colombian terrorist
by all means if it means that i oppose the lies you spew on tv

Farabundo and Sandino must smile cuz' they've been taking on your shady style for more than a minute

you can plan a coup and name it
operation u.s.-is-tryin'-to-screw but i
will still stand against you
cuz we are no longer blind

deaf and dumb

believing the yadi-yada of
the star spangled banner that disguises conquest as progress
and if i must pull a citizen's arrest on george bush both junior and senior for the war crimes against colombianos afghanis and
centro-americanos well then you have the right to remain silent and everything you say is currently
being used against you so you can hire channels 2, 4, 7 and 11 and pay off
the n.y. and l.a. times but it is in the people's rhymes that count 1 of
extortion is filed against you for

illegally taking power when your little brother rigged an election down there where the southern heat makes
punching holes in ballots a task
too large for the average american...

Gabriela López (a.k.a. Sasparella)
excerpt from "Today"

...When I would finally crawl out,
From under all those unmade beds,
My body could walk,
But it was still dark and heavy
all around me.
Animals still weeped,
And the ocean was still repressed.
If I once made you happy,
Then once is all I have for you
for I am weak.
Today I am defined
by the actions I must take,
By the things I haven't done,
By the places I haven't been.
I'm on the journey to finding,
The me that was taken from me,
along the way.
Today I find answers within my own body,
I touch my soul
like its never been touched before.
Today, I am a woman,
giving birth to myself.

Michaelle D'Jenane Ventura
(AKA: aLpHa6)
excerpt from "16"

My name is 16 letters long
And even if you could say it
You'd still be lost and played
For my own entertainment
I let my nipples get so hard
That they can cut like glass
I'll flip the script
And let you fall on your ass
So sweet I'll have you
Ring my bell
In the past...
And though I know I shouldn't
Do this
Its important that you know
My bling bling
Is more expensive then anything
A man can bring me
Because it is my heart
And it cost more
Then just your average a lot

I am bluer then a holiday
When a child was born
Named Billy with fruits delayed
On a Caucasian strange day
My feet run to the stars
And not willing to run from you in pain

I'll create my life with you in mind
And have no problem walking away
If you get offended
At the times
That you just might have to play my wife
Cause sometimes we all need
To know what its like
To be seen in a stereotypical light...
Im not afraid to let you know
What's bothering me
Or let other bodies know
That I see beauty in their lead...


Embarking on a statewide tour in California. The only tour of it's kind!

September 15 - October 26-The END-dependence Spoken Word Tour is proud to present powerful, stimulating spoken-word performances, featuring a talented collective of international performers, published writers, artists, musicians, grassroots organizers and community leaders inspiring through the creative art of spoken word: Karina Oliva Alvarado, Abbye Atkinson, Anayvette María-Bran, Bomani, Adriana Cabrera-Garcia, Camincha, Janssen Chavarría, Maya Chinchilla, César A. Cruz, Mark Gonzales, Israel Haros & Entre Músicos, Diea "Lisa" Higuera, Gabriela López (a.k.a Sasparella), Adriel Luis & Ill-literacy, Carlos "Solrac" Mena, Palomar Sanchez, GusTavo Adolfo Guerra Vásquez, Michaelle D'jenane Ventura, Ruby Veridiano. Performaces at East LA College, CASA 0101, Tia Chucha's Café, Espresso Mi Cultura, Midnight Special, San José Univ, UC Riverside, Cal State Fullerton, San Diego World Beat Center, UCLA, Cal State Long Beach, Cal State Northridge, San Francisco Univ, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, the Sacramento Community Center and more TBA. Donation prices and show times vary by venue. For more information please call 213.842.6817 (South. California), 415.516.9686 (North. California).

The END-dependence Spoken Word Tour mission: Historically, borderlines and conflicts from divide and conquer tactics have kept people of color apart. We unite in cross-cultural solidarity to share our struggles, voices and our will, across borders, tongues and forms of speech. The END-dependence Spoken Word Tour was founded by a collective of artists from across the state and was featured on the Mun2 Television Network's "Off the Roof" show and the radio stations KPFK Los Angele's "Divine Forces," KPOO San Francisco and KPFA Berkeley. Come witness the art of spoken word like you've never seen before! For artists' biographies or to receive a press kit, please call 213.842.6817 (South. California), 415.516.9686 (North. California), email ENDdependence@yahoo.com or visit www.brownpride.com/END-dependence

Returning to the West Coast after four state East Coast Tour, the END-dependence Spoken Word Tour continues to impact every community it visits. Don't miss this one of a kind experience! First performace scheduled for Sept. 16, CASA 0101, 2009 E. First St., Boyle Heights 90033 @ 8pm. $10 donation.

The END-dependence Spoken Word Tour has been sponsored and endorsed by Puente, EpiCentro Poets, SJSU MEChA, CSUF MEChA, Sacramento MEChA, MEChA Central de San Diego, Raza Womyn, La Raza Students Organization, El Vocero Newspaper, MEXA/ Centro Abya Yala, Central American Research and Policy Institute, Pajaro LatinoAmericano Radio Show, Third World Forum, Prof. Victor Rodriguez, KPOO 89.5FM, Lupe Gallegos-Diaz, Peace Arts Xchange, M.O.V.E. Organization, Walidah Imarisha and KRS-One.

The END-dependence Collective

END-dependence Collective Representatives:

Southern California
Gabriela López, coordinator
ph: 213.842.6817
em: gaby@soapdesign.com

Northern California
Maya Chinchilla, coordinator
ph: 415.516.9686
em: epicentropoet@yahoo.com

César A. Cruz, coordinator
ph: 510.388.3587
em: ENDdependence@yahoo.com


Many blessings!
On behalf of all fellow poets, we are announcing the 2nd Annual END-Dependence Spoken Word Tour in California for the Fall 2003. During the months of September and October, we will embark on a statewide tour to educate and inspire through the creative art of spoken word.

Our collective consists of 20+ talented international performers, published writers, artists, musicians, grassroots organizers and community leaders: Karina Oliva Alvarado, Abbye Atkinson, Anayvette María-Bran, Bomani, Adriana Cabrera-Garcia, Camincha, Janssen Chavarría, Maya Chinchilla, César A. Cruz, Mark Gonzales, Israel Haros & Entre Músicos, Diea "Lisa" Higuera, Gabriela López (a.k.a Sasparella), Adriel Luis & Ill-literacy, Carlos "Solrac" Mena, Jime Salcedo-Malo, Palomar Sanchez, GusTavo Adolfo Guerra Vásquez, Michaelle D'jenane Ventura, Ruby Veridiano. We have performed at the following venues:

West Coast Universities/colleges:
University of California - UC Berkeley - UC Santa Cruz
UC Riverside - UC Davis - Cal State Fullerton
Cal State San Francisco - Contra Costa College - DeAnza College - Foothill College

East Coast Universities:
University of Massachusetts at Amherst - Columbia University (New York City)
Southern Connecticut State University - Cornell University

Community Spaces:
La Voz Alta (San Diego) - CSO La Culebra (East L.A.)
Espresso Mi Cultura (Hollywood) - La Peña Cultural Center (Berkeley)
Modern Times Books (San Francisco) - The Oakland Museum (Oakland)
Taller Puerto Riqueño (Philadelphia, PA)

Radio Stations:
KPOO 89.5 (San Francisco) - KPFA 94.1 (Berkeley) - KPFK 90.7 (Los Angeles)

Television Appearances:
Mun2 Television Network's "Off the Roof" show

As artists, we aim to reclaim our communities through poetry to end the marginalization of women, the underprivileged and people of color. Enclosed you will find artists' biographies and sample of poetry. We invite you to work with us in making the END-Dependence Tour a success. If you or your organization are interested in learning more, please feel free to ontact the regional coordinators listed on the left, and know that we are excited to work with you, all in the spirit of promoting art and creative education to bridge communities through the celebration and critique of the dynamics of difference.

In Community Spirit,
The END-dependence Collective

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