The League of Revolutionaries for a New America presents...


Every Mind is Precious:
The Future of Education

On March 19th, students, parents, and teachers from all over Los Angeles will gather for a wide-open discussion sponsored by LRNA. Thinking outside the box will be the norm.

If every mind is precious, why do we spend more money in California on prisons than on education?

Where did our education system come from? Why is it being destroyed?

Is Schwarzenegger the problem? What is the solution?

What is the vision of the future that can save us? How can we guarantee that every mind is nurtured and developed to the fullest?

Friday, March 19th, 7 PM
UTLA Auditorium, 3303 Wilshire, 2nd Floor
(east of Normandie)

For more information: 323-969-1885 / musicrev3@aol.com

The League stands for a cooperative society that nurtures the peaceful, equal, and full development of all people.

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