XRF presents the 7th Annual Farce of July

Aztlan Underground - Slowrider - Resistant Culture
La Paz - Xololanxinxo - El Vuh - Cihuatl Tonali - In Lak Ech
Ollin - Stoic Frame - Tezozomoc - Fidel Rodriguez - L.D.T.
Samadhi - La Bestia - Cuauhtemoc – Mindset’s A Threat
The Masses - End Dependence Poets - Luis Rodriguez
And more!

$10 @ the fence - all ages
12 pm to 10 pm

This year’s farce will consist of a full day of activities with two stages of live music, dj’s spinning, workshops, spoken word, speakers, food, information, vendors and more. All food sales will benefit the Peace and Dignity Journeys 2004.
For more information contact:
Xican@ Records and Film
(818) 898-3101
thefarceofjuly2004@yahoo.com | http://www.elvuh.com/farce.html
Sponsored by divine forces radio, Travel Tips for Aztlan, Peace and Dignity Journeys

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