ˇLa Guerra Esta Aqui! The War is Here! | Chicano Park, San Diego

Chicano Park, San Diego, California

Saturday, April 23, 2005 - 10am-5pm
San Diego, Califas
Under the San Diego/Coronado Bay Bridge

Speakers, music, poetry, ballet folklorico, danza azteca, lowrider car show, food, cultural activities y más!

Performers include:
Acteal, Agua Dulce, Ballet Folklorico Tapatio, Ballet Folklorico Yaqui, Koryn Cuevas, Grupo Fantasma, Grupo Folklorico Chicano, Grupo Folklorico Chicano Youth, Ledesma Bros., Los Nativos, Los Romanticos, Mariachi Griego, Mariachi Juvenil México, Mariachi Maya, Peace x Piece, Pound Dog, and Toltecas en Aztlán

Plus poetry by Amalia Ortiz, Emmanuel Ortiz, Marissa Raigoza, Michael Cheno Wickert and others

Organized by the Chicano Park Steering Committee and Amigos Car Club, Brown Berets de Aztlán, FUERZA, Red CalacArts Collective, Save Our Centro Coalition and Toltecas en Aztlán


"La Guerra esta Aqui" (The War is Here), is the theme of this year's 35th annual Chicano Park Day, which will be held on Saturday, April 23, 2005, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, in historic Chicano Park, located in the Barrio Logan community, south of downtown San Diego.

This family celebration is free and open to the public. Established by Chicano activists on April 22, 1970, Chicano Park has received international acclaim as a major outdoor public art site for its commanding mural paintings of the past and present struggle of Mexican and Chicano history.

This year's Chicano Park Day will feature traditional music and dance, including extraordinary performances of indigenous Aztec danza, as well as contemporary Latin jazz and rock. This year's performers include Mariachi Maya, Los Romanticos, Koryn Cuevas, Pound Dog, Piece x Peace, Acteal and Ballet Folklorico Yaqui. In addition there will be poetry, a classic low rider car display presented by Amigos Car Club and children's activities -- including the Fern Street Circus and art workshops -- led by noted Chicano artist and muralist Victor Ochoa. Food, arts and craft vendors will be selling their specialites throughout Chicano Park.

Chicano Park is located off Interstate 5 -- Cesar Chavez Parkway exit -- under the San Diego Coronado Bay Bridge. For further information, please call (619) 563-4661.

Chicano Park was founded on April 22, 1970 when the community of Barrio Logan and Chicano movement activists joined forces to protest the construction of a Highway Patrol station on the present site of the park. The Highway Patrol office was at the time the final insult to a community that had already been degraded by the demolition of hundreds of homes to make way for Interstate 5, the Coronado Bridge, the placement of toxic industries and junkyards, lack of community facilities, proper schools, jobs, social or medical services.

Protesters led by the Brown Berets, community activists, artists, M.E.Ch.A. and others took over the site and faced police and bulldozers for days while negotiations took place that resulted in the land being given over for a community park. In the following days and months similar actions by the same groups led to the forming of a Chicano Free Clinic, now known as the Logan Heights Family Health Center, and the Centro Cultural de la Raza in Balboa Park.

The struggle for Chicano Park came to symbolize the Chicano Mexicano people's struggle for self-determination and self-empowerment. The murals in the park painted by Chicano artists such as Victor Ochoa, Mario Torero, Yolanda Lopez, José Montoya, Sal Barajas, Juanishi Orozco, Berenice Badillo, Carmen Linares and many others portray the social, political and cultural issues that form the struggle for the liberation of Chicano Mexicanos.

Every year the community of Barrio Logan, the greater community of San Diego and people throughout the Southwest and across the US come tgether to celebrate the takeover of Chicano Park.

Chicano Park Photo Gallery by Sal Rojas

Firme Clothing


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