Marka 27 Crewest Gallery Art Show | Photo Gallery

Crewest Gallery|2703 W.Valley Blvd., Alhambra, Ca 91803|tel(626)458.2465

Crewest Gallery Statement:
Crewest Gallery promotes only the most talented underground artists, known and unknown, from the West Coast and beyond. From graffiti to digital art, from paint to sculpture, our art exhibits are focused on what's current, relevant, and happening now. Our purpose is to promote gifted artists whose work may be too edgy and non-conventional for other elitist venues. We cater to art that speaks to the heart and soul as well as the mind. We believe in bringing raw and powerful artwork to the people of Los Angeles.

Man One and Marka 27

CREWEST'S MAN ONE Artist Biography:
Man One is a Los Angeles based artist who has been involved with the Graffiti Art movement since 1987. His style and painting technique were learned on the streets of Los Angeles while painting huge colorful murals, both with permission and without. Recognized mainly for his countless number of bright and colorful murals, Man One’s artwork has transcended beyond the walls. His artwork has been featured in many venues throughout the world. To date, he has show cased in over 20 group exhibitions, 4 one-person shows, and displayed at several museums, including the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.

Commercially he has also gained huge success as an artist. His illustrations and artwork have appeared in a number of magazines including Backspin (Germany), Rap Pages, Airbrush Action, New York Magazine, and Aelle (Italy) to name a few. Man One has also designed artwork for MTV, Coca-Cola, and Sony as well as creating scenic visuals for feature films and music videos. His success as a freelance artist has allowed him to travel extensively throughout the United States and internationally as well.

Man One’s interest lies in voicing the youth experience and breaking down social barriers that portray young people as the enemy. He has been able to use his artwork as a valuable tool to spread knowledge and acceptance of youth culture on a universal scale. Man One’s intentions are to validate the thoughts and expressions of our youth and their culture so that they can empower themselves and emerge as leaders who will bring about positive change to the world.

MARKA 27 Artist Biography:
Marka 27 was born Victor M Quiñonez in Juarez, Mexico 1977. After living in East Dallas for seventeen years paying my dues as an artist and graffiti writer, I painted freights and even served 3 months time for illegal graffiti. Shortly after my release I was blessed with a scholarship to attend the Museum School of Fine Arts. I will never condemn illegal graffiti or tell some one that it won’t get you anywhere in life.

Like everything in life one must evolve and proceed to grow within their spirit, and mind. My work began to evolve in Dallas naturally because of my surroundings. Graffiti was my way of conveying a message that reflected the issues that I dealt with as a youth growing up in a drug infested neighborhood with violence and shootings every other night. Graffiti was my outlet and a way of life. It is a true subculture with a rich history and roots. I often paint images that challenge the viewers to ask questions about themselves. I try to create a dialog between my work and the viewer hoping to evoke social consciousness within that individual.

Graffiti for me is a powerful tool if used properly. It can bring empowerment to people within the urban area through compelling imagery of truth and awareness. To paint a mural that depicts strength, aptitude, unity, and pride in one self is what I live for. I have a strong passion for painting even if it’s not on a wall, but my heart is with the people who struggle. The single mothers, unemployed, imprisoned, poverty stricken individuals who I see everyday that still give themselves a reason to continue, that is my reason to continue. I thank GOD for the ability to create on the level that I do.

As for community outreach I was teaching art to fifth and six graders at Roxbury Preparatory Charter School. I have also worked with a few non-profit organizations in the Boston area as an art instructor or mentor, Boston City Lights, B.Y.C.C, North Suffolk Mental Health, Boston Center for the Arts, Spontaneous Celebrations in Jamaica Plain, and The Cloud Foundation. My work has been shown at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum,Boston. S.M.F.A Grossman Gallery Boston, Boston Center For the Arts Gallery, Cambridge Center for Adult Education, Harvard Square, Orange County center for contemporary art, Copley Society, Boston, 33 1/3 Books and Gallery L.A, Crewest gallery Alhambra C.A, Union 237 gallery Philly, and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. I was also the recipient of the Remiss award for 2002, and received an honorable mention from the Stephen D. Paine award 2002. Throughout my endeavors as a fine artist I will always stay true to my roots as a Graffiti Writer. I pray that my growth spiritually and artistically will continue to make a difference consciously and socially. I only hope to establish more meaningful and constructive relationships with those who aspire to do the same.

Official Websites:

All Photos by Sal Rojas Photography

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