2mex and 5th Battalion Live Footage from Fullerton


On November 26th 2006 Hip-Hop heads gathered out in Fullerton at Club Incahoots (Club Rio) for a night of underground music. Angel Baby from 99.1 hosted the event while DJ's Tony G and Damien cut it up on the wheels of steel. The crowed got pumped as soon as the acts started to hit the stage Ordenance, Dammit boy productions, 5th Battalion, Rymasylum and Misol Tribe displayed their skills on the Mic. and at the end 2MEX busted one of the Sickest freestyles while Tony G made a beat off of scratching vinyl. The Atmosphere brought together both Black and Mexican cultures together thru music. be on the lookout for more events from SHOWSINOC.COM and NAPSAC ENT.

Click Here for Live Footage of 2MEX, 5th Battalion, and Rymasylum from Club Incahoots!!

Jan 28th Sugafree & Cam Capone live at Club Incahoots Fullerton Tickets on sale at WWW.TICKETMASTER.COM hope to see you there! - MADZ

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