Rock Steady Crew 30th Anniversary Celebration

Rock Steady Crew B-Boy Battle by Sal Rojas Photography

The Original Rock Steady Crew (RSC) was established in 1977 in the boogie down Bronxs by Jimmy D and Jojo. Today Rock Steady Crew is known throughout the world for laying down the foundation in the art of b-boying. To commerate their historic thirty years of representing Latinos in hip-hop, R.S.C. will celebrate their 30th Anniversary from July 23 - 29, 2007 in New York City and New Jersey with multiple events schedule throughout the week. The group's anniversary events celebrate the art of break dancing and Hip-Hop culture in general as well as efforts to give back to the community.

R.S.C.'s Easy Roc, Fidel Rodriguez, and R.S.C. President Richard "Crazy Legs" Colon | Photo by Sal Rojas Photography

"After 30 years we're proud to say that we're still going strong," said Rock Steady Crew president and world-renowned b-boy Richard "Crazy Legs" Colon. "For the anniversaries we want to focus on all aspects that make Hip-Hop the social force that it is. This is about education and entertainment. With crew battles, hot DJs, panels and live graffiti shows our 30th promises to showcase everything Hip-Hop represents."

For more details on the Rock Steady Crew 30th anniversary celebration, visit

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