Big Duke of The Psycho Realm | Interview Part I

Big Duke of the Psycho Realm by Sal Rojas

Latinabeatz recently conducted an exclusive two part interview with one of Los Angeles' most respected underground Hip-Hop emcees, Big Duke of The legendary Psycho Realm. In this first part Duke speaks about when he first heard the devastating news he was going to be paralyzed, If he will ever be able to hit the mic again, and his successfull running of his website and clothing line.

I want to thank you for taking the time to answer this questions for all your fans, first thing everyone wants to know is how you are doing?

No problem. I'm doing real good. My vocals are getting stronger. Right now I'm mostly working on getting my business straight with the music and merchandise.

When you got shot back in 1998 it left you paralyzed. What went through your head when you were told the devastating news?

Actually, when they told me that I wasn't gonna be able to walk and talk anymore, they had me on so many drugs that it didn't register in my head right away. They tell me that there's a big possibility that I might regain movement someday, but they didn't know when. They don't understand how someone that caught a bullet to the neck and had their main artery severed can still be alive today. There was literally a fountain of blood shooting out of my fucken neck. They also told us that I wouldn't make it past that night, but I'm still here.

What motivated you to keep strong and not let your physical state keep you down? and what advice would you give people in your situation?

Family and friends kept me from feeling down when this first happened. When I had the strength and I was able to think clearly, being involved with our music helped keep me occupied and not get stuck thinking about the situation that I'm in. Right now, I'm looking out for my girls and making sure that they're good keeps me strong and motivated to do everything that I'm doing. Our fans and soldiers also keep me strong and focused. I don't have time to feel down and depressed, they won't let me. And I also would never do that to them.

People in my situation should find something to do: a job, write a book, travel, to keep themselves occupied. If they just sit there thinking about their physical condition and get all sad and depressed, they'll start contemplating suicide. I know it's hard but, get over it and keep living life.

What is your perspective on life now that you have a second chance?

I have a few regrets. I regret not taking advantage of all the traveling that I did, missed opportunities to see other cities and countries. I always thought that I’d be back. If you get the chance to travel and see the world, do it! Don't sit at the hotel room and getting drunk and high all day.

A lot of fans at the time and to this present day were not only shocked but concerned for your well being, what does their support mean to you? Duke:
Our fans and soldiers are a big part of the reason why I make music. They keep me strong and focused, and motivated to do everything that I'm doing right now.

How does it feel to have hundreds and thousands of dedicated fans aka soldiers from London, South America, Europe, Asia, literally all over the world?

It feels good to know that people understand what we say in our music, and that people world-wide can relate to our lyrics. The loyalty that they have for us is almost rare for groups in the industry. Usually, fans seem to follow whatever artists the radio drills into their heads. Our soldiers are down with us since the first time they hear us and stay down with us.

I interviewed your brother Sick Jacken a couple years ago, and he mentioned that he didn't want to continue with another Psycho Realm album without you, but you insisted he put out War Story Book 2. Why was it important for you to have that album come out?

Big Duke and Sick Jacken of the Psycho Realm by Sal Rojas

I wanted to put A War Story Book 2 out because we put hard work into it, and because it was the second part to the A War Story Book 1 album. I didn't want the Psycho Realm name to die out like that. I knew that he could handle finishing the rest of the album, which is what he would've expected from me if he went down. I also figured that the album would make our Sick Symphonies label look that much stronger.

One of the most frequently asked questions is if we will ever hear you on a track again or do another album with Sick Jacken, possibly A War Story Book 3, How would you answer that?

People keep asking me that, too. I don't like saying that I’ll be rocking the mic again, but if you know the way that I think and the way that I feel about making music, you already know what has to happen. There won’t be a Book 3, everybody's jumping on that war shit. Like I said before, my voice is getting stronger.

Psycho Realm really does have a very faithful and loyal army of fans. I don't think anyone has the dedicated fan base that you guys do, especially without the mainstream promo, What about your music do you think appeals to people so much?

People can relate to us because of the mood that our music puts them in. We make mood music. We tailor our lyrics to every track because different tracks give off different vibes. That's why people world-wide can feel our music, even if they don't fully understand the words. Moods are universal.

You run the website, what can psychos find on there?

You can find information about everything that Psycho Realm is doing, pictures, videos, music, our forums and online store. The look and content of is being changed as we speak, so check back regularly.

Psycho Realm shirts/sweaters are hugely popular, what sizes do you carry and is there plans to introduce new designs? and for all the lady soldiers, any new gear coming out?

We have a lot of new designs coming, especially for our soldadas. We have the Sick Army design coming out this month for our female soldiers. It looks dope. Be on the lookout for it.

What about stickers, car decals, bandanas, flags, posters?

All kinds of merchandise is coming. Were coming out with new shirts and accessories every month...

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