Krazy Race, Realizm Rekords and the Movement!!

Photography by Sal Rojas

The last time we met up I was interviewing you on your 2004 album release "New World Games". Would you say you got a lot of recognition and opportunities from it?

That album definitely gotta second listen and third from a lot of heads in the hip hop community, activist organizations and the Latin/Chicano rap scene as well. I received classic quotes from other named artists and producers, and the streets and people were definitely showing me love as well.

It was one of those projects that took me close to 4 years before I dropped it on the Los Angeles underground scene, now that one album has been played around the world.(Much Love and Respect…too the Krazy Race Movement.)

In that 3 year stretch a lot has happened from doing a show in Zaragoza, Spain a year later In 2005 with The Beatnuts, M.O.P, & DJ Scratch from The Roots & M.E.D, in front of an audience of over 6000 people and probably have done at least another 70+ shows since.

Been featured on various magazines like Zona De Obras, Al Borde, Hip Hop Nation, Hood Times, and more to receiving play on a classic underground radio station "Divine Forces Radio", Which played songs City of Angels, Illuminati, Fact or Fiction and all were from the "New World Games" album.

Many websites have featured and interviewed me since that album dropped like BrownPride.Com,,,, and many more.

Also interviewed by Brown and Proud Radio, The Hip Hop Latino Show & have been featured/covered on MUN2, SITV, LATV, FOX11, KCAL9, The Drop, The Roof, L.A. Onda TV,Off The Roof, L.A Streets, Cruzin, LatiNation TV, and more...

City of Angels, the song, and the music video received a lot of love as an LA Classic Song. Big ups to Ringleader DJ Ace for producing that classic and others!

Now it's 2007 and you have numerous projects, first released is "Strength in Numbers" How would you describe the album?

My idea was really to make an album that was deeply rooted in my people, the streets, the life, the struggle, the war, and the movement. That album was also a collective of Hip Hop Artists, producers and conscious heads & activists that came together and became, "The Movement: Strength In Numbers."

Who's featured on it?

That album features Global City, 2Mex & Jizzm High Definition, Quinto Sol, Kemo the Blaxican, Datin, Ringleader DJ Ace, Grizzly Gambino, Cire, Devious of Broken Family, Rebel Yell, Izz, Sicko Soldado, Gifted Born Wisdom, Mahlon Hawke, Rodrigo Sanchez Chavarria, my Compadre Joker, My Primo Expn, and more that were involved, a lot of gente and family.

Being Mexican/American born and raised in Los Angeles, What is your take on the Immigration reform?

Simply put, Fuck the System. This country was founded with the so-called principal of coming here to be free... So many immigrants from many countries have come here, yet in this era, they want to build and are building a big ass fence because of Mexico. It shows the true racism of this country and its leaders... Where they solely concentrate on keeping certain ethnic backgrounds like my own (Mexican) from entering yet the European and Asian Communities have immigrated to this country as well. But, you don’t hear that in your FOX 11 exclusive, do you?

You recently released your own Indie Label "Realizm Rekords" Why did you feel the need to start one and what will set this apart from other indie labels?

I have had an independent record label MCR Productions that has released my four song EP “The Time Has Come” in 1999 to “New World Games” 2004 LP & “The Movement: Strength In Numbers” LP 2006.

But with this new label... I really wanted to start with a breath of fresh air for 2007...
I had already signed MIC M.C., and it was about to be 2007. So I ran with it.
Me and my long-time homie and compadre Brian “Joker” Alvarez got together and launched the label together, to be a vehicle that drops my own projects and other artist’s projects as well. On Realizm Rekords, is myself KRAZY RACE, MIC M.C., and we just signed another artist THIEF SICARIO.

projects dropping in 2007 and 1 in 2008 so far...

I. KRAZY RACE's "Take A Walk With Me" DVD (June/07)
II. THIEF SICARIO “Education of a Felon” feat. Truth, Bad New, Krazy Race (Late Sept/07)
III. MIC MC "On Campus" CD feat. Krazy Race, Enemy, Global City & more (Late Nov/07)
IV. Realizm Rekords "The World Is Ours" Volume one *CD Compilation* (Jan/Feb 2008)
feat. Krazy Race, Thief Sicario, Boot Camp Clik, Sick Jacken/Psycho Realm, Grime, Mic M.C. Immortal Technique, C Rayz Walz, The Armada, The Crux, GBW, WarClub, Global City & more...

What will set this label apart is “our music” truly reflects the streets and the people. Real Talk. Real Spit. Realizm Rekords.

What do you look for in an M.C?

I look for the hunger first...
Because if your truly hungry now, then you will only get hungrier as time ticks. I’m a lyricist myself, first and foremost. So naturally, I also look for someone Who is spitting a message or kicking knowledge as well as an ill delivery.

MIC M.C has been under the MCR Productions banner since he was 11. I saw something in that kid and took that chance with him because I believed in him. Now 18, he’s turned into a solid writer as well as a monster on the microphone. Be on the lookout for his long awaited “ON CAMPUS” release this year.

Then we picked up THIEF SICARIO recently, who is another solid emcee with ill-vocabulary and sick wordplay. His release “Education of a Felon” is also dropping this year.

Take those two emcees, and throw me in the mix and now we have a solid foundation and independent label that makes up the Realizm Rekords Roster.

Another project you have released is your documentary-like DVD "Take a Walk with Me" Explain what people will see...

It's 2 hours long and is the showing and telling of who I am and what I reflect...
It has 2 music videos (City of Angels & The Last Hour), 30 Minute Bio and Interview EPK, Live Shows Section, Dope Slide Show, Behind the Scenes, TV Appearances and more...

It’s called “TAKE A WALK WITH ME” to show my fans, supporters more about me as a person as well as the artist that’s a firecracker once I hit the stage or record.

This DVD also is pointed toward the music industry.

It shows that I can no longer be denied as an ill hip hop artist and performer. It also shows that I’ve paid my dues, but it also sheds light and gives hope to any other independent artist/group whose been working as hard as me, that they too can accomplish so much more then most will ever think, by applying yourself, staying dedicated to what you love and always remaining focused and persistent. I’ve made something out of nothing people.

This DVD came out DOPE! Props to I-Suppose!

Available at

What else do you have coming out?

The Realizm Label, which I’m a co-owner of, has MIC MC's "On Campus" album dropping Late Nov. 2007 featuring Krazy Race, Global City, Enemy and more. Also dropping this year is THIEF SICARIO’s "Education of a Felon" that comes out late September 2007.

Last but not least... in Jan/Feb 2008
Realizm Rekords Presents:
THE WORLD IS OURS: ft. Grime, Krazy Race, Thief Sicario, Immortal Technique, Sick Jacken/Psycho Realm, C Rayz Walz, BootCamp Clik, The Armada, Truth, WarClub, and many many more.

Krazy Race personally... another, new album soon...

Dropping late 2008 on Realizm Rekords.

Krazy Race and many more in a book soon too…

“Chicano Rap: Gender and Violence in the Postindustrial Barrio” The book should be published in 2008 and is written by author Pancho McFarland. The publisher is University of Texas Press.

Other CD releases I’m featured on...

DJ Payback Garcia’s AZTEC SOULS Vol. 2 released worldwide late 2006
DJ Payback Garcia’s Hecho En Aztlan Vol. 2/3 releasing worldwide late 2007
Ringleader DJ Ace’s “Ringleader Files” late 2007
Detane’s Album “Hostage” has Krazy Race on a hidden track

Other news...
Krazy Race & Global City makes a “music video” for “THE LAST HOUR” 2006/2007
Links for you to check gente... Krazy Race Videos:

Krazy Race and Global City - The Last Hour Video Shoot

Krazy Race and Global City - The Last Hour

Krazy Race and Global City on LatiNationTV

Krazy Race - City of Angels

Krazy Race Related Articles:

Press/Articles @ Realizm Rekords Interview CD Review (The Movement: Strength In Numbers)

BrownPride Article on Realizm Rekords

Krazy Race featured on ASCAP's Website

DUBCNN.COM (2004) NEW WORLD GAMES CD REVIEW (2004) Interview Feature (2004)

A Cure For Whats Ailing Us: Krazy Race's New World Games

New World Games Review on (2004)

UK Review on New World Games on BellesDemon

Anything other than music you would like to dabble in?

Actually quite a few avenues. I’m constantly thinking of new business ideas. I’m a natural entrepreneur, so I see myself in the music industry for along time. Check out , that’s another Krazy Race creation.

Besides music, learning and growing as a parent, and spending time with the lil man. Shouts to DMR!

What do you think you contribute to hip hop, if not music in general?

I think what I contribute to hip hop is myself. I’ve never compromised, because of a record label, or this is what’s hot right now or you should try doing more radio friendly joints, blah blah blah... I’ve always remained true to my roots. I’ve always made music that I felt needed to be heard. I live and breathe this culture. Real Spit!

In Solidarity,

Drop the info on how people can reach out to you

If you’re trying to contact me for booking, sales, shows, to stay updated or to contact me

More sites where you can find me:

Shouts to my girl Latina Beatz for conducting the Interview!
Special Shout: to the Krazy Race Movement, My Realizm Rekords Label Fam, Street Team, and to anyone that has helped in some small or big way to help get me where I am today... You know who you are... Thanks for the support!

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