Jesus Malverde | Malverde and his Marcha to the Top


Malverde and his marcha to the top

A lyrical legend with beats equal to match, this Latino Hip-Hop star is basing his roots deeply within the Latino music industry. So much so that we can honestly say he is one of the hottest artists of his time, leading the urban West Coast sound into new levels...

Malverdes arrival has already been marked with his debut album in 2004 "Mi Palabra" with its heartfelt lyrics a statement was surely made. He brought to us a deeper meaning of urban Latino Hip-Hop, scaling from everything but negativity. This breath of fresh air is a lyrical genius with a rhythm felt to match, his up and coming album "La Leyenda Continua" has a lot to live up to. Yet Malverde is looking to score high, with a talent like his, who couldn't? Proud to say he got through the tough times of growing up and seeing the hardships of his mother he puts his experiences to music, making him the lyrical genius that he is. Clearly it is his way of giving back to the community, showing his thankfulness of overcoming the rough moments of growing up in a tough enviroment. Having a huge fan base which is never ending Malverde is set to hit new heights with his mind set on touring Europe in the new year, seemingly there isn't enough of him to go around.

Even though born in America, being brought up in a strong Mexican orientated household in the Coachella Valley in southern Califaztlan, Jesus Malverde carries pride for his culture with every step he takes. His name says it all, deriving from a legend many times taught over Jesus Malverde was the Mexican Robin Hood of his era. Even-though there is no real proof to say this brave character truly existed, our modern day Jesus Malverde looks up to him and carries his name to heart along with the teachings of his grandfather. Instead of robbing the rich to feed the poor, the reality of today is that he feeds us with genuine and positive lyrics that touch the soul and keeps in mind the struggles of everyday life.

With a wide range of influences and having the pleasure of collaborating with some of the finest in the hip-hop scene such as Cypress Hill and featuring with Snoop Dogg, we can only wait to see what else this legend in the making has for us in the near future...

Palabras por alicia en Califas y foto de sal rojas

Click Here for Malverde's "Marcha" Music Video

Click Here for Malverde's "La Bala/Mi Palabra" Music Video

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