Check out East L.A.'s hottest Latin Hip-Hop group...La Sinfonia

The bilingual hip-hop trio from East L.A. charts an inspiring path to navigating an unforgiving environment. With the second album of their career and a Latino urban vibe, LA SINFONIA’s new single “No Merezco Tu Perdón (Idiota)” acknowledge that violence and tragedy are all around, but if you stick to the good people and honor your roots, you will always have a chance to come out ahead. It is a theme that runs through many of LA SINFONÍA’s songs, and they offer themselves as proof that dreams can really come true for a Latino in East L.A.

The first single at Latin radio, “No Merezco tu Perdón (Idiota)” features Vane singing the chorus of renowned Mexican composer Joan Sebastián’s 2000 smash “Idiota.” It is the first time the consummate Mexican singer-songwriter has granted permission for his work to be used in a hip-hop song.

While the original “Idiota” song is about a shattered romance, LA SINFONÍA has turned the verses into a re-examination of family ties, as the prodigal son finally acknowledges the sacrifices his father made to support his family.

LA SINFONIA brings to us the best of their self created genre “Hurban”, a very energetic blend of Latin rhythms and hip-hop, with the unique bilingual singing and raping, and the exquisite touch of Vane’s voice. This East L.A. trio, with out a doubt, brings to us the new generation of hip-hop music.

La Sinfonia - Inseparables (album:: El Dolor, La Lucha y El Triunfo)

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