Contributors to Desde El Barrio Poetry Anthologoy

To: Contributors to Desde El Barrio Poetry Anthologoy
From: Pancho McFarland and Krazy Race, editors of Desde el Barrio re: publication of book

We are happy to announce that Floricanto Press wants to publish our poetry anthology, "Desde El Barrio." In order to proceed toward publication of the book we all have to sign permission forms giving the press permission to publish your pieces. Once we have all the permission forms in hand we will move on to the actual production phase of the project. Soon after, within months, the press has received the permission forms the book will be ready for release. It could be as early as the end of this year.

Please print out, fill-in your name and date, sign and return to me the permission form attached below. If you can not open the form, please contact us (panchomac87 [at] hotmail [dot] com )as soon as you can and we will get you the permission form. Please mail the form to

Professor Pancho McFarland
10430 S. Normal Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628

Thanks and congratulations on this publication,

Pancho McFarland

Download Permission Form

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