Adrian "Spider" Castrejon | The Body Art Exhibit April 11th

A few years went by of jumping from one job to the next, never lasting more than a few months at any one place. Until one day, when I was driving to another job interview, I spotted an airbrush Shop. I quickly pulled over and soon, as I walked in there, my passion for art returned to me. I bought a starter kit and spent the following two months in my garage experimenting with my new airbrush. I eventually started doing murals on everything from lowriders, choppers, custom trucks to even designing graphics for Harley-Davidsons and Budweizer.

It wasn't until I saw a black and grey tattoo on one of my good friends, that really sparked an interest for me into tattooing. I had never seen anything like it before. It was a piece done by Jose Lopez who was an up and coming tattoo artist at that time. I knew at that moment, just like with the airbrushing, that I needed to learn the artform. I located Jose and set up an appointment for a tattoo. That day, I explained my interest for the art and more specifically my interest for portraits. He really helped me out on getting started. After a few tattoo sessions with Jose, he got me my first machine. The first thing I did was tattoo myself and a few days later, I was tattooing my friends. I had been tattooing at home for a few months, when I ran into an old high school buddy, Steve Soto. He was in the middle of opening the new Goodfellas Tattoo Studio and was putting his crew together. I showed him my art and I was lucky enough to land a spot at this amazing new shop. I can now say, that I have been professionally tattooing for two solid years in the art of black and grey. It has open so many doors for me as an artist and to share my love and passion for the arte with everyone. I have finally found my place in the world with my art and each day I work hard to do more and to improve on everything I do.

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