R.O.M.E. - My Demo | B.Y.I. Entertainment

R.O.M.E. - My Demo (Right Click and Save As)

Rome | The Eternal Producer | BrownPride.com Interview

The Beginning

Rome, the youngest of 3 brothers, was born 1984 in Los Angeles County Hospital. Before ROME’s birth, his father left the house, leaving behind 3 boys and a single immigrant mother to survive on their own. Growing up poor was an everyday thing, but what kept them alive was the power of God and a strong family support.

“Since money was so low, we had to live 11 deep in a 2 bedroom apartment with cousins, uncles, aunts just to make inns meet” states ROME on his childhood memories. The importance of family and respect was always taught and practiced in the household. After seeing his mom work 2 backbreaking jobs everyday, ROME made a promise to himself to make it big one day and never settle for an average 9-5 lifestyle.

When ROME entered his early teens, he quickly found a natural talent for music. With no formal musical training, ROME taught himself how to play musical instruments and the use of software and studio equipment. After High School ROME entered an Art School for Computer Graphics and quickly mastered the trade of Photoshop. He soon dropped out of school and opened up his own store front business with his older brother Ever Romero. ROME would work in the mornings designing flyers and spend all night working on music. With all the money made, the brothers invested all the profits into music. ROME constructed his own home studio and kept working on perfecting his sound.

Intro to the game

While working with different Hollywood clients, ROME was referred to an individual named Luis “LuLu” Torres who at the time was working with Virginia’s very own “The Clipse” for a BET Awards after party. ROME designed a flyer for LuLu, and gave LuLu a beat CD, and told him to check out his music. LuLu heard the music and was impressed that an 18 year old kid with his own business, strong work ethics, also had a talent of making incredible music. Impressed with what LuLu seen and heard, LuLu asked ROME to join his brand new music company called “Beyond Your Imagination (BYI Entertainment)”. Excited with the opportunity to help create a new label from the bottom up, ROME joined and was ready to take his music career to the next level.

The next level

The 1st artist on the BYI roster was Omar Cruz. Cruz’s Lyrics combined with ROME’s beats quickly gained momentum and after 2 mixtapes the Major Labels came knocking. After weeks of negotiations, BYI signed a 50/50 joint venture with heavyweight giant Interscope/ Geffen. After years of grinding and sleepless nights, ROME got the opportunity to work and collaborate with some of Hip Hop’s biggest artist. After traveling all over the US working on music, ROME has learned the inns and outs of this crazy music biz. “I’m excited that I got one foot in the music industry, but I never get comfortable because I still have a lot to prove and a lot of good music to spread around the world. Be on the lookout with some of my beats on your favorite rappers album” says ROME about his current state of mind. Even though ROME’s buzz is quickly growing, he never lets it get to his head, “Yea I made money in the music biz, but all my money I spend it on my music. When you add it up, it’s hard to stay alive in this music biz, you really have to love it because checks come and go.

R.O.M.E. The Rapper

Music production is just one aspect of ROME’s musical abilities. ROME has been rapping and writing music since he was 14 years old. “My music is a preview of my life, being broke, but never giving up on a dream” says ROME about his music. Unlike many other sub-par rappers who rap about living a fake lavish life, ROME raps about the opposite. ROME raps about the struggles of life we all have to go through. The pain we have to endure to reach our dreams but at the same time maintaining a positive outlook filled with confidence. Ordinary rappers tend to rap about a lifestyle that many will never experience whereas ROME raps about the lifestyle of every broke individual on the grind who refuses to quit on their dreams. If you love music and you too have dreams of monumental success then listen to the music and you too will see you are not alone, enjoy.

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