The Third Root Photo Exhibition by Salvador Rojas | Sept. 5th Santa Ana, CA

“The Third Root” is going to be my third solo photography exhibit. My past galleries included “Fotografia Chicana” in Zaragoza, Spain, and “El Mundo Es Un Barrio” in East Los Angeles, California. In “Fotografia Chicana” I felt like an ambassador for the Mexican-American Lifestyle, letting the Spanish see our world through my photography.

For my second solo show I went back to my birth place, East Los Angeles, with the theme “El Mundo Es Un Barrio”. Traveling to different neighborhoods like Spanish Harlem in New York, South Side Chicago, and The Mission District in San Francisco you feel the vibe and energy that Latinos bring to the city. The photographs from this exhibit reflected our culture and influences from the Barrios.

“The Third Root” photo gallery completes the trilogy with my past two exhibits by adding another dimension to the way people perceive Mexicans. This exhibition is going to give you a more comprehensive view of our complex Mexican culture, adding another degree to our rich Heritage, the Afro-Mexican legacy.

“The Third Root | La Tercera Raiz” is a ground breaking photography exhibit that documents the underrepresented Afro-Mexican presence in the states of Oaxaca and Guerreo, Mexico.

“The Third Root | La Tercera Raiz” is on September 5th, 2009 at Calacas during Santa Ana’s monthly art walk. Calacas is located at 324 W. 4th Street No. B, Santa Ana CA. The reception begins at 6 p.m. and ends at 11 p.m. Admission is FREE. Parking at 300 Birch Street, Santa Ana CA is FREE.

Salvador Rojas

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