Afro-Latinos: The Untaught Story by Creador Pictures

"Afro-Latinos: The Untaught Story"

Executive Producer, Renzo Devia and Writer / Co-Producer Alicia Anabel Santos invite you to the website release for the documentary series Afro Latinos: La Historia Que Nunca Nos Contaron (Afro-Latinos: The Untaught Story), join us at and be the first to have a sneak peak of the documentary still in production and due to air in late 2010.

Afro-Latinos: The Untaught Story is a documentary television series independently produced by Creador Pictures, LLC. The film will be a seven part series covering segments such as: history, language, religion, food, identity, art, music and social issues.

Who are Afro-Latinos?

Afro-Latinos are the descendents of the enslaved Africans who were forcibly taken from their land and dispersed throughout Latin America.

There are an estimated 200 million Afro-descendants throughout Latin America; yet the majority, have no political or economic power. Afro-Latinos: The Untaught Story will take you on a journey to meet Afro-Latinos throughout Spanish and Portuguese speaking nations of Central and South America and the Caribbean. It is the story of a shared history not found in textbooks. This film gives a voice to communities who have been invisible until now.

Be the first to view the official website for Afro-Latino's: La Historia Que Nunca Nos Contaron. This site is the one stop shop for all information on Afro-Latinos in the Caribbean, Central and South America. Viewers will be able to live the producer's journeys through pictures and videos. There you can learn more about the history that was never taught and the people who live in these Afro-Latino communities.

Visit to download free screensavers with images shot during filming. Check out the trailer on the main page for an inside look at the television series. Visitors will also be able to download radio shows containing Afro-Latino tunes, Latin Reggae and African beats that have inspired Latin music. There are links to organizations for each country that inform communities where to go if they are discriminated against, as well as resources to encourage viewers to continue to investigate history and a collection of books the crew picked up during their travels.

About Creador Pictures.LLC

Creador Pictures is an independent production company based in Bogota, Colombia created by Renzo Devia. Renzo has over 14 years of experience producing television in the United States, developing English language programming for Latinos with shows like Urban Latino TV, American Latino ( and LatiNation ( Creador Pictures is his new venture where he plans to produce Latino-themed content for Latin America in Spanish.

About Alicia Anabel Santos

Alicia Anabel is a proud New York-born Dominicana who is passionate about writing works that empower and inspire women to find their voices, speak up and demand that they be respected. Founder of the New York City Latina Writers Group, Alicia's extensive writing experience includes hosting, writing scripts for, and serving as co-editor of Latina Source Podcast. She's worked for renowned magazines such as BusinessWeek, Glamour and Domino, but it was an article published in Urban Latino Magazine (, "Two Cultures Marching to One Drum," that gained the attention of Producer, Renzo Devia. He invited her to partner with him on a project that will change the way the world sees color and race relations in Latin America.

The Producers thoughts on the project:

Renzo: "I couldn't stop asking myself: Why did I not learn about this history? Why didn't I know-how large this population is? Why are there so many Latinos that negate their African roots, who aren't proud of where they come from?"

Alicia: "Renzo and I wanted to delve deeper into what it means for us to be Latino. We recognized that we might share a bloodline with Africa and that this idea is hard to accept for some. Our mission is to create awareness and be apart of a dialogue on Afro-Latino issues. Through Renzo's vision behind the lens and my words on the page, we hope to have created a project that will be everlasting."

This is the history of our ancestors and the descendents they left behind, who today live in hidden communities. These are the underprivileged, those with their rights violated, who are excluded from society. This is the story of those who are not seen or heard... these are the invisibles! On this journey Alicia and Renzo discovered that their history is more beautiful than they imagined. The documentary is filled with stories of strength, steel spirits, cultural preservation, faith, hope, love, gratitude, generosity, and kindness. The mission of the producers is to promote equality within Latin America and put an end to discrimination.

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