December 12, 2009 Smoking Mirrors Gallery Present Virgen de Guadalupe

We would like to invite you and your loved ones to an evening honoring our mothers. This evening we will be showing the many influences and reflection that our Lady of Guadalupe / Tonanzin Coatlaxopeh has had on our lives. We will be presenting artwork from old and new friends. We'd like to thank all of the artist involved, as well as artist from the last show. It is their support which keeps us inspired. Above all we'd like to take an opportunity to thank all the woman in our lives. Especially our mothers. Hope you can join us for an unforgettable night of art and culture.

Smoking Mirrors Gallery

Smoking Mirrors Gallery Presents: Dia De La Virgen De Guadalupe

A tribute to our Grandmothers, Mothers, Sisters, Daugthers, Tias and Comadres.

December 12, 2009

Smoking Mirrors Gallery
565 W. Second Street Unit 5
Pomona, California 91766
6PM to Close

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