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Name/Nick: Jr. ChAcOn AkA StOmPeR
City/State: Shafter Killer Cali Surenos
Date/Time: 11/18/2005 1:04:57 PM

Your Answers:
Favorite song(s)::
Take a chance with Paya from the Dukes Click just showing vatos from my side Wesssed Up by the way im from the sly sticked wicked Varrio West Side and im out Shaaaaaawwwwwwooooouuuuhhhh!X3 Dont trip ladies this is my carnalas email temporarly just take a chance and ill slide right out of them pants ha ha ha im 2 good Nah just kidding!!!
The best rapper(s) of all-time are::
Paya from the Dukes Click and South Land Playas ha ha ha!
The clothing brand I like to sport the most::
Sur street wear ecko polo u know the good shit ha haaaaah!
The ultimate cruising vechicle::
88 cutlass with a euroclip just let it be known yeah!
Favorite movie(s)::
the good fellas and 187 all time goodies
The sports team you support the most is::
Oakland Raiders of Course
The magazine you read the most::
Teen Angels and low rider magazine
The best book you ever read::
knotts on the counting rope
Who's your greatest inspiration and why?:
My father and my good homeboy Casper and my neighberhood may god have them in his hands
Favorite hobbies::
fooos ball ha ha hand ball of course the mexican sport

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