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Name/Nick: EsaDopey
City/State: Delano, California
Date/Time: 3/12/2006 9:04:28 AM

Your Answers:
Favorite song(s)::
Straight southsiden by Mr. Sancho, All of them Sur siders. And Califa thugs...
The best rapper(s) of all-time are::
.: Well you know all the surenos that are clowning on all them busters and they're bitches.
The clothing brand I like to sport the most::
Dickies, and AAA t- shirts plain royal or navey blue, white, and black.
The ultimate cruising vechicle::
P.T. Cruiser with bomb ass 100 spokes with blue knock offs.I should cause I got that ultimate vehicle
Favorite movie(s)::
American me, any kind... Gangster, comedy, and action movies.
The sports team you support the most is::
Raiders fan all the way every though I know they're not going to win anytime soon. But, Soon day they will putos.
The magazine you read the most::
none, Why do I have to read a magazine and waste my time on that shit you know.
The best book you ever read::
The best book that I've ever read was... Nothing I dont think any was the best so, far
Who's your greatest inspiration and why?:
My greatest inspiration would have to be God before, anything. He is amazing and forgiving for all the shit that I've did and done. And Another would have to be my father. For always Hustleing being the best damn thug. Watching out for me when I was introuble.
Favorite hobbies::
LoL... My favorite hobbies well Smoking Marijuana, and drinking Liquor is a fucken given. I like to listen to music, and sing cause that is my world. Music revolvs around my world.

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