BrownPride.Com Slambook

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E-Mail: fuck all @ brown. maggots
Date/Time: 4/7/2006 8:10:24 PM

Your Answers:
Favorite song(s)::
You raped a white girl, you're gonna die. We'll hang you from a tree twenty feet high. You're turning white with fear 'cause you've got no hope. You'll be swinging from the branches when we fetch the rope. Another dead beaner is no big thing. We will stand there and spit as we watch you swing. You're an ugly fucking brown nigger, that's the reason why. You're a subhuman mongrel and you're gonna die. FETCH THE ROPE!
The best rapper(s) of all-time are::
You raped a white girl, you're gonna die. We'll hang you from a tree twenty feet high. You're turning white with fear 'cause you've got no hope. You'll be swinging from the branches when we fetch the rope. Another dead beaner is no big thing. We will stand there and spit as we watch you swing. You're an ugly fucking brown nigger, that's the reason why. You're a subhuman mongrel and you're gonna die. FETCH THE ROPE!
The clothing brand I like to sport the most::
You raped a white girl, you're gonna die. We'll hang you from a tree twenty feet high. You're turning white with fear 'cause you've got no hope. You'll be swinging from the branches when we fetch the rope. Another dead beaner is no big thing. We will stand there and spit as we watch you swing. You're an ugly fucking brown nigger, that's the reason why. You're a subhuman mongrel and you're gonna die. FETCH THE ROPE!
The ultimate cruising vechicle::
You raped a white girl, you're gonna die. We'll hang you from a tree twenty feet high. You're turning white with fear 'cause you've got no hope. You'll be swinging from the branches when we fetch the rope. Another dead beaner is no big thing. We will stand there and spit as we watch you swing. You're an ugly fucking brown nigger, that's the reason why. You're a subhuman mongrel and you're gonna die. FETCH THE ROPE!
Favorite movie(s)::
You raped a white girl, you're gonna die. We'll hang you from a tree twenty feet high. You're turning white with fear 'cause you've got no hope. You'll be swinging from the branches when we fetch the rope. Another dead beaner is no big thing. We will stand there and spit as we watch you swing. You're an ugly fucking brown nigger, that's the reason why. You're a subhuman mongrel and you're gonna die. FETCH THE ROPE!
The sports team you support the most is::
You raped a white girl, you're gonna die. We'll hang you from a tree twenty feet high. You're turning white with fear 'cause you've got no hope. You'll be swinging from the branches when we fetch the rope. Another dead beaner is no big thing. We will stand there and spit as we watch you swing. You're an ugly fucking brown nigger, that's the reason why. You're a subhuman mongrel and you're gonna die. FETCH THE ROPE!
The magazine you read the most::
You raped a white girl, you're gonna die. We'll hang you from a tree twenty feet high. You're turning white with fear 'cause you've got no hope. You'll be swinging from the branches when we fetch the rope. Another dead beaner is no big thing. We will stand there and spit as we watch you swing. You're an ugly fucking brown nigger, that's the reason why. You're a subhuman mongrel and you're gonna die. FETCH THE ROPE!
The best book you ever read::
You raped a white girl, you're gonna die. We'll hang you from a tree twenty feet high. You're turning white with fear 'cause you've got no hope. You'll be swinging from the branches when we fetch the rope. Another dead beaner is no big thing. We will stand there and spit as we watch you swing. You're an ugly fucking brown nigger, that's the reason why. You're a subhuman mongrel and you're gonna die. FETCH THE ROPE!
Who's your greatest inspiration and why?:
You raped a white girl, you're gonna die. We'll hang you from a tree twenty feet high. You're turning white with fear 'cause you've got no hope. You'll be swinging from the branches when we fetch the rope. Another dead beaner is no big thing. We will stand there and spit as we watch you swing. You're an ugly fucking brown nigger, that's the reason why. You're a subhuman mongrel and you're gonna die. FETCH THE ROPE!
Favorite hobbies::
You raped a white girl, you're gonna die. We'll hang you from a tree twenty feet high. You're turning white with fear 'cause you've got no hope. You'll be swinging from the branches when we fetch the rope. Another dead beaner is no big thing. We will stand there and spit as we watch you swing. You're an ugly fucking brown nigger, that's the reason why. You're a subhuman mongrel and you're gonna die. FETCH THE ROPE!

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