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Name/Nick: ladibug
City/State: big bad 509
Date/Time: 10/21/2005 12:14:53 PM

Your Answers:
Favorite song(s)::
its goin down tonight, celly cell five on it, luniz eastside rendezvous, kidfrost almost anything by roger troutman crusin type of oldies
The best rapper(s) of all-time are::
i have to give props to lil rob cause hes not all about bling. and tupacs outlook on life and his poetic lyrics cant be matched
The clothing brand I like to sport the most::
bangin in my white tees. im a jeans or dickies kinda chick. adidas all day.
The ultimate cruising vechicle::
im diggin the older rivieras, and nothin compares to my mans 68 impala.
Favorite movie(s)::
reservoir dogs friday up in smoke comedies
The sports team you support the most is::
seahawks mariners
The magazine you read the most::
girl shit like cosmo, lowrider (bicycle and arte), and a few hip hop mags
The best book you ever read::
bury me at wounded knee, it has so much info on native activists from back in the day, i also like mysteries and scary authors like steven king and vc andrews, but my favorites are true crime
Who's your greatest inspiration and why?:
i inspire to be like my aunt ricarda, she was so carefree, and yet down to earth. had all her shit together, but could be spontaneous too, i envy her.
Favorite hobbies::
i like to bead, and watch movies, and read books, but i have two kids, so who has time for hobbies

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