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Name/Nick: La Flaca
City/State: St.Paul Minnesota
Date/Time: 10/25/2005 2:08:28 PM

Your Answers:
Favorite song(s)::
Shorty Doowop, Lovers & Friends, Feeling Me, Don't Disrespect my mind, Crazy in love and image of a pimp.
The best rapper(s) of all-time are::
Baby Bash, Chingo Bling, Paul Wall, Lil Rob, SPM, Lucky Luciano, Mr. Shadow, Happy Perez.
The clothing brand I like to sport the most::
Baby Phat, Dickies girl, LEI,
The ultimate cruising vechicle::
1973 Cadalac Impala SS Convertible
Favorite movie(s)::
Any Thing Scarey
The sports team you support the most is::
Oaklin Raiders
The magazine you read the most::
Lowrider & Cosmo Girl
The best book you ever read::
A Walk To Remember
Who's your greatest inspiration and why?:
Baby Bash, Because I love him so much.His music can always make you feel good when you're feeling Shitty. And he is doing his whole fame rapper thing and at the same time he don't let the fame get to his head. Also even though he is rich and famouse he still don't and won't ever forget where he comes from. He'll always lay it down for us.
Favorite hobbies::
Chillin, Writeing and making music. I love listening to Baby Bash.

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